Brown bear running
Whale fluke VI
Whale fluke V
Whale fluke IV
Whale fluke III
Whale fluke II
Whale fluke I
Pine martin in the snow
Pine martin
Black bear clamming on cliff edge
Black bear alert
Bull Moose
Bull Moose Staredown
Female Red Fox
15-Point White-Tail Buck
Coastal Brown Bear Paw Prints
Harbour Seal on Rocks
Sea Otter Hug
Sea Otter Clutching Newborn
Baby Great Horned Owl
Coastal Brown Bear Resting in Day B
Coastal Brown Bear Mating Behavior
Coastal Brown Bear Fishing 18607
Coastal Brown Bear With a Fish
Coastal Brown Bear Fishing
Coastal Brown Bear Cubs
Coastal Brown Bear Charging
Black Bear Sow
Black Bear Cub Climbing
Black Bear Cub Sleeping
Black Bear scatching on Tree
Coastal Brown Bear at Low Tide
Coastal Brown Bear Cubs
Coastal Brown Bear in Creek
Coastal Brown Bear in Lupin
Coastal Brown Bear in the Rain
Coastal Brown Bear on Alert
Coastal Brown Bear Relaxing
Coastal Brown Bear Standing
Coastal Brown Bear Sunrise
Red Fox in Snow
Sea Otter with Crab
White Tail Deer Sparring
Two White-Tail Bucks
White-Tail Deer in Full Velvet
White-Tail Deer in Rut
Coastal Brown Bear
Common Murre Catch of the day
Atlantic Puffin in rain and fog
Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin (closeup)
Atlantic Puffin (banded)
White ibis reflection
Trumpeter swan on ice
Snowy Egret
Ruddy Turnstone
Ruddy Turnstone
Reddish Egret
Reddish Egret
Razor-billed Auk approach
Razor-billed Auk
Long-eared owl perched
Long-eared owl hunting
Long-eared owl
Little blue heron
Immature burrowing owl in morning l
Hooded Merganser reflection
Eagle on stump
Sandpiper in flight
Little egret soft reflections
Eagles on ice float
Eagle landing on log
Common Murre gets drenched
Burrowing owl cricket snack
Burrowing owl on alert
Burrowing owl in daisies
Burrowing owl (immature)
Burrowing owl (immature)
Burrowing owl
Belted Kingfisher Perched
Belted Kingfisher - lunchtime
Bald eagle up close
Bald eagle
Atlantic Puffin wingflap
Atlantic Puffin in downpour
Atlantic Puffin (foggy day)
Ruby-Throated female Hummingbird
Northern Hawk Owl
Northern Hawk Owl takes flight
Northen Hawk Owl perched
Mountain Blue Bird
Great Horned Owl nesting
Great Grey Owl on lichen branch
Great Grey Owl hunting voles
Great Gray Owl
Common Loon on alert
Common Loon - Feeding time
Bald eagle with rabbit
Bald eagle sqawking
Bald eagle fishing
Yellow Headed Blackbird
Trumpeter Swan Wing Flap II
Trumpeter Swan Portrait II
Male Pileated Woodpecker
Great Horned Owl Juvenile II
Great Horned Owl Juvenile I
Female Pileated Woodpecker
Common Loon with Young One
Common Loon Swimming Underwater
Barred Owl on Perch
Bald Eagle Fishing
Snowy Owl Peek-A-Boo
Sharp-Shinned Hawk
Northern Flicker
Common Loon Portrait
Belted Kingfisher III
Belted Kingfisher II
Belted Kingfisher I
Snowy Owl Soaring
Snowy Owl Banking
Snowy Owl Takes Flight
Baby Great Horned Owl
Tundra Swans Resting On Foggy Water
Woodduck Resting on Log
Red Necked Grebe With Three Riders
Red Necked Grebe Feeding Baby
Red Necked Grebe Carrying Babies
Fosters Tern
Female Hooded Merganser
Common Loon With Babies
Common Loon with Babies
Common Loon Wing Flap
Common Loon With Babies
Common Loon Carrying Babies
Blue Winged Teal
Bald Eagle in Pines
Bald Eagle on Rock Island
Boreal Chickadee
Common Goldeneye
Bald Eagle Landing
Eastern Bluebirds
Female Northern Cardinal
Female Northern Cardinal
Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Trumpeter Swan Portrait
Trumpeter Swan Wing Flap
Woodduck in Green Water
Winter waterfall
Alaska glacier Panoramic
Alaska glacier Pano
Winters crossing
Silky Waterfall
Nature's steps
Grand Tetons Reflection
Grand Tetons Mormon Barn
Don't forget to look up!
Autumns Flow
Lake Superior Shore
Small Stream Waterfalls
Natures Carpet
Autumn River Gorge
Alaska Shorline
Autumn River
North Shore Ice Push
Fall Foliage River Bottom
Midwestern River Waterfall
Mossy River Canyon
Autumn River Waterfall
Sunrise on the North Shore
Ice Formation North Shore
North Shore Ice Flow
Sunrise on the North Shore
Other Projects
Great Horned Owl Juvenile I
Nature photography & Wildlife photography
Copyright © Tom Knight Photography
Great Horned Owl Juvenile I
Woodduck in Green Water
Trumpeter Swan Wing Flap
Trumpeter Swan Portrait
Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Female Northern Cardinal
Female Northern Cardinal
Eastern Bluebirds
Bald Eagle Landing
Common Goldeneye
Boreal Chickadee
Bald Eagle on Rock Island
Bald Eagle in Pines
Blue Winged Teal
Common Loon Carrying Babies
Common Loon With Babies
Common Loon Wing Flap
Common Loon with Babies
Common Loon With Babies
Female Hooded Merganser
Fosters Tern
Red Necked Grebe Carrying Babies
Red Necked Grebe Feeding Baby
Red Necked Grebe With Three Riders
Woodduck Resting on Log
Tundra Swans Resting On Foggy Waters
Baby Great Horned Owl
Snowy Owl Takes Flight
Snowy Owl Banking
Snowy Owl Soaring
Belted Kingfisher I
Belted Kingfisher II
Belted Kingfisher III
Common Loon Portrait
Northern Flicker
Sharp-Shinned Hawk
Snowy Owl Peek-A-Boo
Bald Eagle Fishing
Barred Owl on Perch
Common Loon Swimming Underwater
Common Loon with Young One
Female Pileated Woodpecker
Great Horned Owl Juvenile II
Male Pileated Woodpecker
Trumpeter Swan Portrait II
Trumpeter Swan Wing Flap II
Yellow Headed Blackbird
Bald eagle fishing
Bald eagle sqawking
Bald eagle with rabbit
Common Loon - Feeding time
Common Loon on alert
Great Gray Owl
Great Grey Owl hunting voles
Great Grey Owl on lichen branch
Great Horned Owl nesting
Mountain Blue Bird
Northen Hawk Owl perched
Northern Hawk Owl takes flight
Northern Hawk Owl
Ruby-Throated female Hummingbird
Atlantic Puffin (foggy day)
Atlantic Puffin in downpour
Atlantic Puffin wingflap
Bald eagle
Bald eagle up close
Belted Kingfisher - lunchtime
Belted Kingfisher Perched
Burrowing owl
Burrowing owl (immature)
Burrowing owl (immature)
Burrowing owl in daisies
Burrowing owl on alert
Burrowing owl cricket snack
Common Murre gets drenched
Eagle landing on log
Eagles on ice float
Little egret soft reflections
Sandpiper in flight
Eagle on stump
Hooded Merganser reflection
Immature burrowing owl in morning light
Little blue heron
Long-eared owl
Long-eared owl hunting
Long-eared owl perched
Razor-billed Auk
Razor-billed Auk approach
Reddish Egret
Reddish Egret
Ruddy Turnstone
Ruddy Turnstone
Snowy Egret
Trumpeter swan on ice
White ibis reflection
Atlantic Puffin (banded)
Atlantic Puffin (closeup)
Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin in rain and fog
Common Murre Catch of the day